New Jamón Ibérico Labels

las teresas jamones
It probably won’t come as a surprise that not all jamones are created equal, nor that the different classifications have always been based on the breed of pig, where and how it was raised, and what it ate. None of this has changed, but as of this month (January 2014) a new colour coded system of labelling for Jamón Iberico products comes into force in Spain, though you may not see them for awhile as present stock needs to be used up first.

The four new label colours are:

  • Black – 100% Jamón Iberico de Bellota. Only from free-range pure-bred Iberian pigs fattened exclusively on acorns late autumn/early winter (the montanero period).
  • Red – Jamón Iberico de Bellota. The pigs are not necessarily pure bred, but must be 50-75% Iberian and have pedigrees. They may also be fattened with additional feeds besides acorn, but must be free range.
  • Green – Jamón de Cebo de Campos Ibericos. Pigs must be at least 50% Iberian, and free range, though they may be fattened partly with other feeds.
  • White – Jamón de Cebo Iberico. These pigs are kept in a pen and given fodder, but must be at least 50% Iberian.

jamon bellotaThe labelling rules will not only be applied to jamón (the back legs) but will also be extended to other Iberian pork products too such as paleta (the smaller front legs) and lomo (the loin).

In addition there will be limitations on the images, logos and symbols that can be used on labels, such as acorns and pigs out in the field, to avoid misrepresentation. There will also be new minimum curing times and leg weights.

I like this! I’m going to enjoy being able to point at those lovely black-labelled jamón legs and assure my Sevilla Tapas Tour clients that they are indeed getting the best of the best. Because there is truly nothing better than a plate of perfectly cut jamón Ibérica de Bellota. Preferably with a glass of chilled fino or manzanilla.

What do you think of the new quality labels?