How did I not stop in and buy anything here before today? Pan y Piu opened last April and I have walked by time and time again, admiring its attractive window displays. Well, today I finally took the plunge and, after sampling their Pan Payes and Pan Gallego, this is now my new local bakery.
Combining Spanish and Italian tradition with innovation, Pan y Più (più means “more” in Italian) offers a gorgeous selection of artisanal breads, muffins, cakes, pastries… and more. You can find foccacio, pizzas and Italian-style sandwiches filled with arugula, bresaola, parmesan, bologna bolognese and truffled sauces. And don’t miss the “nubes” (clouds) which are olive-oil based fluffy-crusty bites of deliciousness. And if you want to enjoy your carrot cake or croissant on the premises you can order a cup of coffee to go with it.
Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro 15-17
Plaza Alfalfa
Tel. 954 219 348
Open 8.00 – 22-00 Monday – Saturday
8.00 – 15.00 Sunday
Pan y Più Website