traditional spinach with garbanzos
For vegetarians it can be a challenge eating out in Spain, but although most tapa bars and restaurants focus on meat and fish dishes, there are usually a few good vegetarian options available. For example: tortilla española (potato & egg omelette), pisto (like a ratatouille, often served with a fried egg on top), grilled mushrooms, revueltos (scrambled eggs with various added ingredients), espinacas con garbanzos (spinach with chick peas) and a variety of cold salads. And sometimes, if you tell the waiter you are vegetarian, they may be able to conjure up a special ‘veggie dish’ for you that isn’t on the menu.
I remember many years ago when our vegetarian friend ordered some grilled mushrooms and was quite understandably aghast when they came with chunks of jamón in it. But no problem – we just told the waiter that there had been no mention of jamón in the menu description and she said they would immediately make up another portion of mushrooms for our friend without jamón, free of charge.

a modern take on spinach with garbanzos, with slow poached egg
These days most bars and restaurants are more sensitive to food preferences and allergies, but always best to ask ahead of time if what sounds like a vegetable dish contains any meat or fish. Unless it’s a pre-prepared salad like ensalada rusa (a potato and mayonnaise salad, usually with either prawns or tuna) they should be able to accommodate you and make whatever changes are necessary.
Vegans will no doubt have even more difficulty finding suitable food at tapas bars, but people on very restricted diets are probably already used to this, even at home. Again, just ask first if (for example) the grilled courgettes come covered in bechamel, or if the pisto has a fried egg on top.
Below is a list of tapas bars and restaurants that I consider to be “vegetarian friendly”, meaning that aside from your basic tortilla de patatas and cheese they also offer 2-3 other good vegetarian options. There is certainly a new trend these days to offer more interesting vegetarian dishes than before. Makes a nice change.
Barrio Santa Cruz
Vineria San Telmo
Paseo Catalina de Ribera, 4
Tel. 954 410 600
– hummus with pita, broccoli couscous, aubergine tomato & goat cheese towerCasa Roman
Plaza Venerables 1
Tel. 954 228 483
– marinated beetroot, red pepper & onion salad, grilled vegetables, tomato saladL’Oca Giuliva
Mateos Gago 9
Tel. 954 21 40 30
– great selection of veggie pastas, pizzas, salads
El Arenal
La Brunilda
Galera 5
Tel. 954 220 481
– wonderful salads, mushroom risotto, regional cheeses
La Alfalfa
El Traga
Águilas 6
Tel 692 40 96 29
– chargrilled seasonal veg, slow-cooked egg with payoyo cheese and creamed cauliflower,
El Centro
San Luís 50
Tel. 954 916 333
– veggie wok with babaganoush (without cuttlefish), daily salads
La Alameda / Macarena
Bar Antojo
Calatrava 44
Tel. 955 425 337
– leeks with bechamel, patatas bravas, veggie spring rollsTaquería La Lupe
Feria 118
Tel. 623 17 15 08
– guacamole, vegetarian and vegan tacos, enchaladas, burritosFatouch
Feria 33
Tel. 641 001 160
– falafel, salads, hummus, labneh
San Lorenzo
La Azotea
Conde de Barajas 13
Tel.955 116 748
– salads, grilled veg with goat cheese, fried peppers
Numancia 5
Tel. 954 331 621
– rice with truffle oil and parmesan, veggie wok, tempura veg with soy mayoLa Atrayana
Plaza Virgen de los Dolores 6
Tel. 854 60 21 80
– grilled leeks with romesco, char-grilled veg, fennel salad with orange, arugula and payoyo cheeseLas Golondrinas
Pages del Corro 76 / Antillano Campos 26
Tel. 954 33 82 35
– radishes (!!), marinated carrots, grilled mushrooms with alioli