Sevilla Tapas is a personal collection of tapa bars and restaurants in Seville. It started quite by chance in April 2007 when I was out for lunch with a friend and it was such a beautiful spring day that I took a few photos of the square where we were sitting. For a laugh I also took photos of our lunch to show friends on my Casa Azahar blog. The response was so positive that I started publishing regular “tapas lunch posts”, which eventually led to starting a separate website for Sevilla Tapas.
Each restaurant and tapas bar has its own archive page, listed alphabetically, which can be found on the Tapas Bar & Restaurant drop-down menu at the top of the sidebar. You can also find places listed by location (barrios) and cuisine.
My reviews are kept brief because I think that the photos say more about the various bars & restaurants, and say it better, than I could with words. But I do include all the basic information: location, opening times, type of food.
Sevilla Tapas isn’t commercially driven. There is no advertising and no restaurants pay me to put them up here. Nor do I get free meals. The main criteria for whether to add a tapas bar or restaurant used to be “would I recommend this place to a friend?”, but then I had a change in policy and have since been including places that I’ve visited and don’t recommend, to help keep people from making the same mistake.
Price ratings are shown on each main page…
€ cheap
€ € inexpensive
€ € € medium priced
€ € € € medium-high
€ € € € € expensive