It was more than five years ago that I first happened upon Norberto León’s tiny studio while out for tapas with my flatmate Peter and my dear friend Craig. It was a truly magical experience to come across Norberto and his helpers working away on that hot July night in 2006 and – me being nosy – popped my head inside to ask what was going on.
Since that night I’ve become pals with Norberto and we may still become biz associates one day (if I ever get my darned online store up and running!). I love his work and have had my eye on a rather large Sevilla serigraph skyline of his that I’d love to have in my living room. Well, maybe one day.
But today was a public holiday (Todos los Santos or The Day of the Dead) and by 11am I was getting a bit stir-crazy. Gym was closed, shops weren’t open, and what the hell was I going to do all day other than sit in front of the computer? So I decided to go out for a walk and do some work-related stuff, taking photos of a bar that I hope will become my latest social media client, and also a few photos of an actual client. It was a gorgeous morning – the first of November, 25º and me still wearing sandals.
And that’s when I saw Norberto sitting outside the cathedral, working away on his craft, with several items around him for sale. So we had a chat, I took this photo, got a kiss and then he told me about this video a friend of his had made about his work. I don’t think you need to understand Spanish to “get it”.
Website: norler.com
Estudio: c/ Alfarería 26
Triana, Sevilla
Tel. 676 024 081