Aljibe Romano

I saw this while out visiting the Noche en Blanco activities last Friday night. It was the first time this “aljibe romano” – basically an old Roman cistern – was open to the public. Apparently they’ve found more around, but this is the only one that’s been restored. What’s cool is that they date back to the second century. I was underground looking at something built many centuries and civilisations ago. Makes you think…

[click on images to enlarge]

The Rainy Rain

photo by Raúl Díaz

For me this photo by twitter pal Raúl Díaz really sums up today (and probably the rest of the week). It’s the best of both worlds when you know the land around you is getting a much needed drink yet you are all cosy inside watching it come down from a warm and dry comfortable distance. Raúl took this photo today in the centre of Sevilla.

You can see more of his work here: Fotografiando

Noche en Blanco 2012

Thanks to the efforts of Sevillasemueve and Cultura de Sevilla, Noche en Blanco 2012 in Sevilla will take place on October 26th . It will be a night dedicated to art, culture and creativity as more than 30 public and private spaces open their doors all night long. You will be able to enjoy theatre, music, architecture, photo and art exhibits, tours and more.

It’s great to see so many shops and galleries from Soho Benita and Regina Market on the list. The various organised tours look interesting too.

The number of participants is still growing but you can get updates here:

Sevillasemueve Programme
SeviOcio List of White Night Events