Rompemoldes Días Europeos

rompemoldes dias europeosWhen I first visited Rompemoldes Creative Craft Space a couple of weeks ago I was told about the “Días Europeos” open house planned for this weekend and have been looking forward to going. Most of the workspaces will be open to the public so it’s a great opportunity to see this modern version of a corral de vecinos “in action”.

There are workshops and demonstrations planned both days and I’m very interested in seeing the Gastromoldes event on Saturday as that studio wasn’t open during my last visit. There will also be guest artisans showing their work along with the resident artists.

Looks like the weather is going to cooperate as well!

Días Europeos
Espacio de Creación Artesanal

April 5th & 6th
Calle San Luís 70

You can see the programme of activities below…
(click on images to enlarge)

rompemoldres programa días europeos 1

rompemoldes programa días europeos 2

Pasión Flamenca

pasion flamenca

[click on image to enlarge]

Passing by the Fontecruz Hotel last night with my Flamenco & Tapas Tour clients we couldn’t help but notice a long red carpet out front. It turned out that there was a one-night-only exhibit called “Pasión Flamenca” going on inside, a homage to the Andalusian traje de flamenca featuring 12 designers from Sevilla and Cádiz, each of whom had created a red flamenco dress for the occasion. We were invited to come in and have a look around and it ended up being quite a fitting “extra” for our evening of flamenco and tapas.

The designers: Amparo Macia, Angeles Verano, Aurora Gaviño, Cañavate, Lina, Manolo Giraldo, Nuevo Montecarlo, Pepa Garrido, Pilar Vera, Pitusa Gassull, Pol Núñez and Rosalía Zahíno. Accessories by Sabina.

Made in Sevilla

hecho en sevilla 2013
v hecho en sevillaThe 5th edition of the Hecho en Sevilla
(Made in Sevilla) Craft Fair starts today!

Sponsored by the Federación de Artesanos de Sevilla (FAS) in collaboration with City Hall and Sevilla Tourism, this year 23 artisans will have a wide selection of their hand-made crafts on display. Show your support for local talent and at the same time pick up some unique gifts or a treat for yourself.

Calle Fray Ceferino González
(between the Cathedral & Archivo de Indias)
3 – 15 April, 2013
10.30 – 2.30 / 5.00 – 8.30