Sevilla en Boca de Todos

The second Sevilla en Boca de Todos started this week and runs until the 3rd of April. This is a contest in which tapas bars around Sevilla compete to make the best tapa in Sevilla for less than 2.50€. The winner is chosen by your votes.

Compared to last year’s event, there are almost twice as many tapas bars taking part. Here is the list of participants.

You can also check out this excellent map which not only shows the location of each bar but tells you (in most cases) which tapa is being featured.

Sevilla en Boca de Todos
9 March – 3 April 2011

See photos of tapas I’ve sampled below…
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I Love Tapas interview

It’s been quite a week for Sevilla Tapas! First I got a glowing Trip Advisor review from Tara and Christian, who’d been on my Christmas Day tour, and then a new website called Andalucia Direct surprised me by giving me a free listing.

And today the interview I did this past weekend with Rosana Domínguez (aka Holly Cocina) for I Love Tapas went live!

I’ve been given permission to post an English translation here, which you can read below. You can see the original Spanish version here:

Entrevista a Shawn Hennessey y sus tours de tapas Sevilla Tapas

Shawn Hennessey, compulsive blogger, Twitter addict (with 4 accounts) and long-time Foodie, is originally from Canada but never felt like she truly belonged there and so moved to Spain (via Bristol England) in 1992, where she finally found her home. After a year in Salamanca she moved south to Sevilla and in April 2007 started the Sevilla Tapas blog. According to Shawn it all happened by accident while she was out for lunch with a friend on a lovely spring afternoon and it occured to her to take some photos not of just the square and the orange trees, but also of the food, which were then posted on her personal blog, casa az. The response was so positive that she started publishing regular “tapas posts”, which eventually led to a separate website for Sevilla Tapas. Aside from running several blogs, Shawn also writes for travel sites such as Slow Europe, Travel Intelligence and National Geographic, and has recently become the Seville Expert for Simonseeks.

Presently Shawn is working on several projects including her very popular tapas tours, working with local restaurants managing their social media, and organising special Restaurant & Hotel English courses.

Continue reading “I Love Tapas interview”

Tapeo Extremo

This week I had the pleasure of finally meeting Twitter friend and travel writer @AnnieBennett, who was in town as a part of a whirlwind tour around Andalucía. And so we had three “extreme tapeo” sessions in two days, which was both fun and exhausting with temperatures well above 40ºC. But as you can see, we are seasoned veterans – below you can see Annie enjoying a glass of bubbly at the Alfonso XIII Hotel where we stopped in for some post lunch emergency cava.

We stopped at several of my favourite tapas bars and restaurants as well as taking a short tour around Triana and visiting the market. The two evening sessions were somewhat cooler and it was especially pleasant to finish our last one on the rooftop of the Doña María Hotel. We had tried out the EME Hotel rooftop bar for its spectacular view of the Giralda, but it was trying way too hard to be cool.  I had a great time and hope to see Annie again soon.

[click on collages to enlarge]

If you’d like to take part in one of my tapas tours,
click on the link below for more information.

Sevilla Tapas Tours