Impromptu Processions

José de la Montaña 

Even after having lived in Sevilla for almost 19 years I am still taken by surprise by “impromptu” processions popping up here and there. Of course they aren’t impromptu at all, it just seems that way. Though I’m not alone in not knowing what’s going on. The other night on the way to pick up clients for a Sevilla Tapas Tour I came across this procession. None of the people I asked knew which one it was so during a stop I decided to ask some band members … and even they didn’t know!! Finally someone at a nearby bar filled me in and when I got home I looked up “José de la Montaña” on google, which led to me finding the ArteSacro website that lists what is going on in Sevilla procession-wise. It may or may not come as a surprise that there seem to be processions almost daily. Now I need never be caught out again! I can just check ArteSacro before going out and impress clients and friends with my vasty knowledge of obscure Sevilla cultural events.  🙂