Corpus Cristi 2011

I think Corpus Cristi is my favourite public holiday in Sevilla, taking place the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday (which is 60 days after Easter). There is a procession that starts around 8.30 am and finishes at noon. The night before the procession route is strewn with sprigs of rosemary and flower petals, balconies are draped with silk shawls and flowers, shopkeepers try to outdo each other with bread & wine window displays, and altars large and small are also put up. When I first came to Sevilla I was told by a friend that the best part of Corpus was to get up early and walk the procession route before things got started, when the morning air is still cool and fresh and there aren’t too many people around. I have done this many times and always love it. The smell of the rosemary, los balcones de seda…

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